Never had I sensed anything like this. I recently experienced a series of defining moments that quickly became a remarkable pearl in my necklace of life. Time and space define the 3D world. Yet in these moments of existence, time seemed to stand still, and movement around me appeared surreal. It was as if I had entered a hologram, and things were happening to me over which I had no control. Only later did I sense an amazing presence and feel immeasurable gratitude. I became a passionate believer.
Here’s my awakening. Six months of healing broken wrists from an earlier fall finally brought me to the time where I could drive again. I had enjoyed this newfound freedom for two weeks when I decided to meet a friend in St. Paul.
It was a sunny afternoon, and the freeway was not overly congested. I had planned to meet a friend in St. Paul. At one point, the northbound freeway divides and veers to the right, and I was directly behind an eighteen-wheeled semi-truck.
We were both in the left lane. Within seconds, I saw the truck’s right blinker flashing as it began to move into the right lane. I remained in the left lane. As I began to pass the truck, I suddenly sensed a presence of energy on my right side, almost as if it were positioned on the front passenger’s seat. The truck was moving back into the left lane.
Instinctively, I repeated the mantra, “Only Source is here. Only Love is here.” And then things became fuzzy. I remembered only bits and pieces. I looked straight ahead and heard gravel crunching on my left. The car tires must have been on the shoulder of the road, but I was too scared to look. Everything was in slow motion. I have no recollection of the truck moving back to the right lane or how my car managed to get past the truck. In revisiting the experience, a greater energy had to have taken over my consciousness.
I recall my knees and hands shaking, and my body relieved to be on the open road again. I considered moving across two lanes of traffic to the side of the freeway to process the ordeal. Yet I was torn—would I feel comfortable enough to face traffic again if I stopped?
Source is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent and many believe that precious stones have spiritual powers. On that day, I was wearing my usual bracelet of Angelite, Howlite, and Moonstone. These stones are known to deepen connection to a higher consciousness and stabilize emotions for calm. Although I cannot scientifically prove that Source Consciousness intervened in my circumstances that day or that the attributes of the stones in my bracelet were active, I am deeply grateful to have experienced a miracle. I know Source is with me 24/7. Should any doubt or denial show up from others, I can speak to an intense knowing of the presence and abilities of a greater power. There is no substitute for direct experience.
More and more I find synchronicity at play in my life. The beautiful bird print (above)—created by John James Audubon—offers words that reflect my encounter with the eighteen-wheeler that day: impermanence, the present moment, and trust in the absence of time and space. All is interconnected.
Within a short time after my driving experience, I found this remarkable collaboration from “The Marginalian,”, a website by Maria Popova. In her July 28, 2024, posting, she shared the background for her fortieth birthday project where she matched photographs of birds that spoke to her through her dreams with specific lines from deceased poets. Maria received inspiration from the Universe to choose specific words that magically enhanced the bird prints. I’m surmising the finished product, An Almanac of Birds: Divinations for Uncertain Days, upheld the tradition of “self-gifting” and sharing her love of ornithology with readers.
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