We all experience suffering. Let me hold you in loving care.


Lessen your stress, anxiety, fear, and awkwardness around loss, death, and dying. Explore my offerings of death midwife guidance and education, celebrant services and life’s milestone celebrations and healings, online or onsite Remergence Workshops, and remote or in-person healing energy sessions. Enter the mystery with ease and peace of mind.

Whatever your needs, there is an offering for you. For details, please see the options below.


Death Midwife Companion: Listening, Understanding, Advocating

Certified and NEDA (National End-of-Life Doula Alliance) Proficient

Having someone who listens, offers a comforting presence, and supports the dying process with loving emotional, spiritual, and practical information is essential. I do not judge, rescue, or fix; rather, I am a trusted advocate with whom you share questions, wonder about the “hard stuff,” unravel confusion, and struggle with pain. I offer death education, assistance with end-of-life paperwork and recommendations for credible professionals, and customized rituals that help heal people into wholeness. My knowledge of loss, death, and dying complements the work of the medical profession and the funeral industry, as we work side by side. It is gratifying to validate end-of-life wishes for dying loved ones, to problem solve to soothe circumstances, and to serve as a liaison in times of family discord. Please contact me for a free, initial conversation.


• “Barbara was a circle of light in an otherwise rapidly darkening emotional and psychic landscape. What she organized allowed the right people to appear at the right time the day before my wife’s passing. She was a great help.” ~J.B.

• “I believe that Source guided us to cross paths with such a compassionate end-of-life doula just at a time when we were in need and ready to take a step forward. It’s a true gift to find this person whose service feels like just the right fit for both spouses. A support person who can guide us in identifying our wishes, a great listener, open minded, aware of special needs, patient, and kind. A special person willing to help guide us on our journey and able to assist walking us home being filled with peace.” ~P.D.

• “Setting Sacred space was a new concept to me, and I knew that my mother would appreciate a unique way to honor her time of nearing the threshold. I was surprised how beautiful and calming the experience was. The combination of special objects that held meaning for my mother and customized wording connected my mother’s soul, nature, and all of us in the room.” ~R.A.

Celebrant Services: What is it and common questions asked

A celebrant—also known as a civil celebrant or officiant—is someone who designs and presents a funeral or memorial that will honor a loved one in keeping with the family’s–or deceased’s—wishes. A celebrant may also create and present rituals for life’s turning points. As a certified celebrant, I offer both. Wishes, interviews, and inspiration are the foundation for my creative and collaborative tributes and rituals that honor loved ones who have died—including animal companions. Tributes take many forms, yet you can be certain that each ceremony will offer a meaningful portrait of personality, distinguishing characteristics and their impact, memorable accomplishments, and expression of the loved one’s true essence. If you have ideas for a unique tribute, you’ve come to the right place.

1) Tributes at End-of-life: memorials, funerals, celebration of life services, wakes, private ceremonies, and graveside honorings

• Can you help me with a loved one’s service if I don’t attend a church or have a minister?

• Do you work with funeral homes?

• My family isn’t religious, but I want closure for my loved one’s death. Can you help?

• We’re spiritual, not religious. Can you help?

• It’s been years since I’ve been inside a church. Now what?

• Our family represents a mix of cultures. How do we honor all the traditions?

• We’re short on time and need to put together something quickly. Can you assist?

• I have ideas for an out-of-the-ordinary, unique death celebration. Will you work with me?

• I’m confused and emotionally drained. I just need closure. Suggestions for place, ceremony, flowers, food, permanent resting place?

YES! Barbara meets you where you are—without judgment—and, together, you discover insights.

2) Tributes for Animal Companions

• Should I have a memorial service, also known as a pet bereavement or farewell ritual?

• I am using a cremation service for my pet. What are the next steps toward a tribute?

• Can we work together on a service?

YES! Barbara meets you where you are—without judgment—and, together, you discover insights.

3) Tributes of Renewal, Spiritual Healing, and Commemoration for Life’s Milestones

Responding to growing client requests to find a meaningful connection to an energy greater than themselves and move toward wholeness in their lives, I offer inspired rituals. These ceremonies encourage inner awareness and trust in facing or overcoming unknown circumstances. By connecting with the rhythms and energies of the universe and with the energies of others, we bring our body, emotions, and soul into balance. Personal expansion is the purpose of ritual. As we meet life’s milestones—like birth, coming of age, new home blessing, divorce, miscarriage, or job loss—participation in customized ceremonies helps us to grow and thrive.

• I am dependent of the outcome of an upcoming job interview. Can ritual offer any support?

• My high school senior, Alex, is starting college, and I am so worried. Can ritual make a difference?

• Living closeted is too painful, so I’ve decided to come out as my true nature. Could ritual be helpful?

YES! Barbara meets you where you are—without judgment—and, together, you discover insights.


• “Anticipating my own death, I added a paragraph to my Advance Care Directive that my adult children use Barbara as a spiritual assistant. She creates a safe space to provide comfort, presence, and peace of mind. Barbara has a uniquely empathetic heart.” ~J.W.

•”Barbara Krause helped my family–and my husband–plan his funeral. Getting ideas from him and his choice of family members to carry the items, she wrote the ritual of setting sacred space and later delivered it during his Celebration of Life service. She also included his wishes for readings, special music, and a catered dinner after the service. Hummingbird charms served as memorial keepsakes and were given to each guest. Family members still talk about how personal that service was.” ~S.N.

•”We had very little time to create our mother’s memorial service. That day came and went, and, after a week, we were still feeling like we had so little time to process everything. Barbara seemed to sense that and asked if she could share a ritual of connection, support, and healing with my sister and me in honor of our mother. It really helped us to realize Mom’s gifts of comfort, courage, and adventure were still guiding us. Barbara gave each of us a meaningful symbol that reminds us of and honors Mom.” ~JR

Facilitator: Remergence Workshops

Remergence Workshops: Beginning the Journey, Going Deeper, and the Remergence Tookit

Beginning the Journey, the initial workshop, is now available both online and in-person.


The interactive content of in-person and online workshops explores the topics of connections, courage, communications, and spiritual empowerment—as reflected through seven energy centers of our bodies. How do these concepts relate to common myths and understandings around loss, death, and dying? What is revealed to us, needs to be released by us, or encourages us to lean into death and dying as we move toward remergence? Remergence Workshops are nondenominational and holistic; they are based on a three-part foundation:

1) Everything is energy

2) Look out, yet look within

3) Explore to awaken: CHOICES

There are two ways to experience these workshops: In-Person or Online

In-Person Workshops

Participants of in-person workshops receive a companion workbook that is a meaningful record of personal growth. The workbook is intended to be revisited over time. The format for in-person classes is a weekly, two-hour class, plus a culminating ritual that is experienced over four weeks, totaling eight hours.

In-Person Testimonials

• “I was so moved with the presentation of everything is energy. I learned of other methods of burial, death, loss, and that change is growth. I loved the PowerPoint slides. It made the flow easy to follow. I love the way the class shifted to accommodate everyone. I will use the pre-work activities again to see my growth. It made me think. The program was so valuable for the emotional and evolving space I am in. Helped me more than words can say!” ~M.C-B.

• “Now I have more courage, more knowledge, and more tools to think about my mortality.” ~S.B.

• “The workbook is an incentive to pursue your careful, meticulous, even rigorous program to focus on end-of-life issues with less fear and apprehension.” ~M.G.

Online Workshops

On the first of the month, participants of online workshops receive links to four videos and emailed pages of questions to be answered and processed. Total video time for the class is seven hours. A flexible timeframe encourages completion of work at the participant’s convenience. On the last Saturday of the month, Barbara hosts a live group ritual and Q&A to celebrate the end of the class, 10A-11A. For pricing, email Barbara.

Online Testimonials

• “The courses traveled a path of calm and serenity. One thing I liked were the “stories” told in connection with the lessons. Each was appropriate and highlighted the point being made in a very human and insightful manner.” ~S.M.

• “I’ve always wanted to learn more about the energy centers/chakras of the body. I’ve been interested in exploring rituals and identifying what is most important to me and helpful to my family members—how I would want my loved ones to celebrate my life.” ~P.D.

• “Regardless of their spirituality, people will find these workshops interesting to participate in. Your in-depth knowledge of death and dying and how to help others is immense.” ~G.H

Video of the first class – The Lens of Connections – Watch at anytime for free.

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Energy Healer: In-person, Remote healings

The ability to offer hands-on healing is a gift that remains latent unless actively chosen. My decision to serve as a conduit is gratifying, as healing energy flows through me, guided by Source. My clients often tell me that they experience positive physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Over time, client sharing has indicated three common outcomes that may occur from a healing energy experience.

• Healing may assist people, animals, or plants to regain well-being.

• Healing may partially improve an aspect of the condition to be healed or may positively influence an unrelated condition from earlier circumstances.

• The end-of-life may be happening soon, and healing may add a sense of acceptance and ease.


• “My time with Barbara Krause in a healing session was inspirational and helpful with my very painful lower back and Sciatica issues. She assisted me in understanding underlying causes and gathering insights that are more than physical. Her healing technique is a combination of discussion and hands-on healing techniques. I am also a healer with several certifications and needed someone outside of myself to help me. Barbara volunteered and I am so grateful to experience the compassionate, knowledgeable care I received. I highly recommend a healing session with Barbara.” ~N.W.

• “I had neuropathy in my left wrist and was unable to chord my guitar. The healing energy and sound energy tones that came from Barbara were soothing and stopped the interior burning. After several experiences, my neuropathy was no longer a problem.” ~P.K.

• “I remember the healing you gave me the night before my open-heart surgery. You told me that you had no control over how of if the healing would affect me. At that point, I thought I could use any help I could get. During the healing, I felt quiet and calm. Later, my wife said she saw synapses changing in my body. The next morning, after everything was checked, my specialists conferred and decided they could use medications to control my condition. The only change from the pre-op physical and the morning of my surgery was the healing energy. Thank you!” ~ M.N.


Nature is a grounding force and an effective healer. If you can’t get outside to let it soothe you, we have taken images and sounds from nature to inspire you. Now that your heart and mind are full of affirming possibilities to help you walk with loss, death, and dying, please enjoy these two calming music videos below to help focus, settle, and uplift you.

Remergence Workshops

I was so moved in the presentation of everything is energy. I learned of other methods of burial, death, loss, and that change is growth. I loved the PowerPoint slides. It made the flow easy to follow. I love the way the class shifted to accommodate everyone. I will use the pre-work activities again to see my growth. It made me think. The program was so valuable for the emotional and evolving space I am in. Helped me more than words can say!


Confidential  Conversations 

Thank you! I’ve had a great cognitive and emotional breakthrough thanks to you.


Remergence Workshops

Certainly I felt “shifted” by this work in a positive way. I valued the questions posed, activities suggested, and tying it all into the Chakra Centers. I like your calm and inviting teaching style, and you inspired my thinking along these lines. I valued my experience in taking this class and am interested in taking the next program.


Remergence Workshops

The workbook is an incentive to pursue your careful, meticulous, even rigorous program to focus on end-of-life issues with less fear and apprehension.


Remergence Workshops

I know the concept of greater energy…but this course helped me identify the work I have yet to do. Wonderful meditations and list of resources to explore!


Remergence Workshops

This course was so much more than I expected. I feel less separation in life. This incredible experience has put me on a new journey.


Remergence Workshop

We took the Remergence Workshops in 2018, and now, three years later, we face the reality of Mark’s mortality. Those workshops really helped us to make some hard decisions and deeply explore our feelings. Mark signed the POLST (Physician-Written Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) and is now DNR/DNI status. The work you did to create such a special avenue to verbalize, we are at peace. THANK YOU!!



Compassion and Choices – We’re an organization dedicated to improving care, expanding options and empowering everyone to chart their end-of-life journey.


National End of Life Doula Alliance (NEDA) –

The National End-of-Life Doula Alliance “NEDA” is a diverse and inclusive 501c6 non-profit membership business league that serves as a “big tent” for those who share its mission, vision, and values and who seek to learn about, promote, and provide educational and professional support for its members.
